man, 28 years old
man, 28 years old
I am seeking a woman, max. age 30
Lives in Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.
How I describe myself
Only over the last few months have I been able to reach a point where I can say whatever is on my mind and address "people" issues before they become insurmountable problems. This has made a huge difference in both my personal and professional lives. I spent way too many years not allowing myself to do that which coolest things to fester and become major problems. I'm much happier with the new me. I too am very competitive and passionate. I typically don't want to do anything in a half-assed manner. If it's worth doing then it's worth doing well. Basically I like to work hard and play hard. None-the-less comma I do enjoy just kicking back and relaxing at times.
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