man, 28 years old
man, 28 years old
I am seeking a woman, max. age 21
Lives in Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.
How I describe myself
I'm sarcastic, get that from my dad and I'm a
Nigerian, so I do have a temper sometimes which I
get from my mom. I am very affectionate and love
giving people hugs and at times jumping on them,. I
say what I mean so you best believe. I'm not the one
to put myself first, so I guess that kinda tell you
that I care a lot about ppl. I can say I'm 1 pretty
unusual person. I love to laugh and keep things real. I
scare myself at times with things I do, but love an
adventure. I front and act like I'm tough stuff but I'm
really not, I am a little to myself sometimes so I need
someone to pull me outa my shell. I am a little
I try to not be a follower. However, I don't stand out
there too much. I'm just me. And i'm happy with that.
I'm usually in a good mood. I always have a smile on
my face.
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