man, 45 years old
I am seeking a woman, within ages 40 - 55
Lives in Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria.
How I describe myself
I am Michael from Africa Nigeria. I am a nice and decent guy I am proud of who I am, where I come from and what I stand for. I don't care what people say about me and how they look at me, because the best of me can never be tell by the sentimental perception of people toward judging me and where I come from "Nigeria" I....appreciate people.......because they are human.......I do not judge them because others See them as bad people.....Well for me age has no what value. I believe sharing knowledge and ideas is what really matter in term of age. I believe every day we ought to be learning from one another no matter how old that person might be.
I love life and I like to enjoy life. As I like to listen to music. I have no harmful habits. I do not smoke; I do not drink alcoholic drinks. I go in for sports, I go on discos, I love to work. I'm a very careful person, sometime i am shy. I am mostly proud of what I know; I don't allow people intimidate me.
I love cooking meal. I'm very much pleasant to be introduced by others at home. I enjoy everything about me; I am an intelligent person who knows how to say I am sorry and please forgive me. I love and enjoy adventures, making new friends and adapting to weather where ever I go to. I love traveling a lot, adventures and I love writing poetry and movie a lot.
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