Am me

xpenpet, online dating profile photo  photos


      woman, 36 years old

I am seeking a man, within ages 27 - 50

Lives in Ikorodu, Lagos, Nigeria.

How I describe myself

Am Generous,Optimistic,
but, sometimes iam little Impulsive& Impatient.
I am good at Friendship and always look out for my friends with caring and generosity, and will protect them should the need arise and encourage them with their natural optimism.
I am enthusiastic about my goals and enjoy the thrill of the hunt, "wanting is always better then getting"
I Like Compliments,unconditional love from my partner,red roses,candlelight dinners,conversation about intellectual topics and engaging myself in a lively discussion or a friendly debate,love admiration,love challenges,being adventurous, love people with good sense of humour,neat and smart people with good sense of dressing and sophisticated living.People who agree to the fact that Men and Women are equal.
My Dislikes are; Laziness,inactive,shaby,being proud,people with over-intelligentence,ego,one who doe snot respect women,mannerless and persons who doesn't know how to behave.

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