man, 34 years old
man, 34 years old
I am seeking a woman, max. age 35
Lives in Lagos, Nigeria.
How I describe myself
I enjoy everything that is good to me and I detests those that are bad, life as a lot to offer me, so I flow with it by training hard & meeting new people day after day.
Understanding the real me starts when people don't judge me unnecessarily, no one is perfect, I'm just trying to be myself.
Love me or hate me, it's a two way street that's the very essence of life to me. I enjoy reasoning with smart people because "someone wise will always understand what a fool is saying, but it will take a fool zero chance of understanding what someone wise is talking about". Call me anything you wish, I strongly believe it won't stop my progress, you'll be the one having the migraine.
What I seek for is freedom plain & simple.

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