God is the greatest❤
![ngeleobu, online dating profile photo](/assets/photos/profile/0/0/37/379391/b_gugiw51dl7.jpg)
man, 27 years old
man, 27 years old
I am seeking a woman, within ages 29 - 39
Lives in Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria.
How I describe myself
Am a cool and hardworking person....am Always trying my best to make a good name for me and my family.....Am attracted to older ladies,I believe they are more mature and honest when it comes to love....I have been be searching for a platform where I can find my better half,I have seen older ladies I really like and admire but am scared on how they will feel if I pour out my feelings....Am also a lovable person and will want every moment I spend with my dream spouse be a memorable one.....I prefer to be called Obumneme☺
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