ellastic, online dating profile photo  photos


      woman, 40 years old

I am seeking a man, within ages 29 - 33

Lives in Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.

How I describe myself

..an underlying layer of humility wiv an overlyin layer of healthy self confidence, major sports no, tho soccer appeals to my competitive spirit, marathons, gourmet cuisine b+,most embarrasing guilty pleasure..mexican soaps, no hard liqour, fatal weakness for ice cream n chocolates, a teeny-weeny bit of german, rusty high school french, enjoy dealin wiv unexpected challenges,dont love easy...dont disappoint easy.its helped keep my heart intact even on days when i didnt care if i got heartbroken, constantly need to feel secure in my rltnshps wiv peeps.if not am out.if am friends wiv u, i must know dat if i 😄 someone and go to jail,we'l still be friends cos dats ow i am.if u do smfin wrong,i'l reprimand u but i'll neva abandon u.i ask dat of my friends as well and when am not gettin it,i make myself unavailable!A lot of peeps think am proud and a snob,my weakness is i dont know how to remedy dat.d easiest thing i do in my life is be myself..pple make it hard but if i av to be criticised for me bein me then dats some criticisms i can definitely take!A lifetime of learnin to assess people sometimes in a matter of seconds wiv my life hangin on the outcome has made me trust my instincts..(IF SOMEBODY TELLS ME WHAT TO DO,I TEND TO REBEL AGAINST IT!)av a weakness for fast cars and zero tolerance for slow guys!!!...d rest u'll av to find out On Your Own..nd perhaps if pressed, a few friends can offer a reference....

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