man, 28 years old
man, 28 years old
I am seeking a woman, max. age 30
Lives in Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.
How I describe myself
I am direct, blunt, drama free, confident, modest, easygoing and very respectful. My hobbies include running, hiking, reading, traveling, and watching movies. I love wide variety of foods and like to try new cuisines. I respect other people's time and privacy. I don't like to judge others and appreciate it when they reciprocate.
Thinking about this... Easy on the eyes, black haired and a great smile. I have a great sense of humor, I am interesting, etherial and love deep meaning. I am neither non-judgmental, myopic nor discriminatory against religious beliefs, political leanings or age. You shouldn't be either. I carry no baggage and love everything about life and all it has to offer.

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