Those who judge the book by the cover more often than not lead themselves astray

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      man, 40 years old

I am seeking a woman, within ages 25 - 33

Lives in Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.

How I describe myself

I am dt cool-headed man wt ataraxic scruples & anicteric eccentricity. My passions revolve around d innovative & astute endeavours. I consider myself an introvert. I am loving & caring.
Any inimical tendencies such as unfaithfulness, dishonesty, indecency, etcetera, I don't fraternise wt or concatenate wt. I try at all times 2 insulate myself against hazardous radiations & deleterious reverberations.
I wouldn't cheat on my partner. Dt has never been in my philosophy, & I wouldn't have my partner gravitate in d incongurous trajectory either. Perhaps u may want 2 conclude dt I'm d jealous type. I am, no doubt about dt, but I am not dt guy wt irrational & atavistic vivendi. Trust me, I am more like a tranquillizing waterfall.
Within my own orbital, I speak against d societal ill winds & notorious administrative climatical conditions. I am a specie dt can never be in a homogeneous chemistry wt d political wolves, locusts, caterpillars, & parasites of ds world. D foul we have to pass urine b4 dt will happen.

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