man, 33 years old
man, 33 years old
I am seeking a woman, min. age 18
Lives in Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria.
How I describe myself
In my opinion, the most important
thing that people should know about me is that it is not at all that important, because I am not an important person in the conventional sense of the word.
Perhaps some interesting things I wish people might know about me is that I am both trust worthy, and good natured. You can trust me one hundred percent with anything and I will not betray your trust. Similarly I will neither hate nor hurt anyone for their race,religion, community, caste, looks or their educational and economic status. I am slightly introverted though I do like people generally, and only when I find some uncouth,obnoxious or objectionable behavior from people, I tend to shun such people from my personal system and environment. I neither suffer fools gladly nor enjoy them sadly.
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