sixthskin, online dating profile photo  photos


      man, 36 years old

I am seeking a woman, within ages 28 - 50

Lives in Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria.

How I describe myself

I would prefer to just skid across all the online formalities,well in brevity here goes about me, I am an artsy young dude and I guess or I know it's my life! I love great movies and books that make me think or feel something and I am really grateful to Stephen Kings, Anne Stan Rice,Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, Zack Snyder,Tom cruise,Brad Pitt,Ben Afleck,Angelina Jolie,Hugh Jackman,Chiwetel Ejiofor,Hugo weaving,Al Pacino and Tom Hardy for giving me something to look for in the literary works and movie world. My Friends and My family keeps me alive and My faith (My relationship with God keeps me plugged and fragmented over into everything I do).

What brought me here? Chances of meeting women over here in Nigeria are very slim as it seems the whole world is running a Formula 1! I want a woman that is intelligent and motivated as i am, And be a good listener and is similar to who I am as a person in compatibility but it doesn't have to match with everything we do or are like. I always look forward to that day i will get to meet my dream woman...and i know when the time comes i will get to meet her though I am not bent on meeting her here but who knows.

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